Thursday, July 31, 2008

Go Addy, Go!

Practice makes perfect.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Give Me the Teething Ring and Nobody Gets Hurt!

As if diaper rash isn't awful enough, I am now experiencing the catharsis known as teething. This makes me quite irritable. Give me my "popsicle"!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I've Missed You!

I'm learning to crawl, sleep through the night and talk. Getting better at tasting everything I can get my hands on, though I'm not quite partial to the taste of Mama's hair!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


oooh ah ah and I had dinner with mom and dad the other night. They seemed kind of thrown by my dinner guest

I get kind of irate when people ridicule my best friend!

It's ok oooh ah ah, I'll take care of you!

I love you oooh ah ah!

Pink Elephants Are Alive & Well

This is me & my new best friend. Her name is "oooh ah ah".

She and I have lengthy conversations and she doesn't complain when I gnaw on her, what a pal!

the thing we have in common

I love you pops

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I could get used to this...

Mom is staying home with me for a while. I'll just learn to put up with this.

Thanks a lot.